The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


Mar. 1, 2025

Archives Opinion

‘What are you doing right now?’ …not Twittering

When I was first introduced to Twitter, I couldn’t believe someone thought it was a good idea. Who thought putting Facebook statuses on someone’s cell phone was smart? Why would anyone want their cell going off every five seconds with a new update on the random things people are doing in their lives?

But I guess I was wrong. It seems like "Twittering" is the newest trend in Hollywood and everyone’s doing it. Personally, I think it’s further evidence of the decline of society.

Don’t get me wrong, I love keeping in touch with my friends through new technology. I like to know what’s going on in their lives and making sure they’re doing all right. But that’s why I have a Facebook and my cell phone. I really don’t care if they are walking to class, or if they are brushing their teeth, or tying their shoes. If they really wanted me to know, they would have told me.

And yes, I admit that I love a good piece of celebrity gossip once in a while. But do I want to know everything that is going on in their lives the second they are doing it? Not really, let them have their privacy. I’ve heard celebrities say that Twitter is a way for them to take back the power from the media. In actuality, it’s a way to boost their egos because they know how many people are reading that they’re walking their dog. Plus it’s kind of annoying to hear the pleas from celebrities on talk shows, telling viewers to add them on Twitter before every commercial break.

What happened to actually talking to someone? What is so wrong with taking a few minutes out of our busy schedules to pick up the phone and have a conversation that does not involve "LOL," "TTYL" or "BRB"? Have we come to this point in society where we are too busy to lift our heads from a computer screen or our Blackberry to see someone’s face and say "hello" to a stranger?

In the grand scheme of things, it’s cool that we are more connected as a society through things like Twitter. We can keep in touch with friends and family from far away and give them updates on how we’re doing. Yet, it’s decreasing face-to-face interaction when people are concerned more with the person at the other end, instead of the person next to them.

Everything is becoming less and less personal as people decide to share more and more about their lives on things like Twitter. It’s rare to see someone walking around on campus without seeing them texting or with their iPod in. While people think this is a way for them to keep up with everyone, it actually just isolates them from everything going around them. I just wonder some days what would happen if all the technology in the world stopped working. Maybe we would actually have to talk to the person next to us, and possibly make a new friend.